Experiments.Road surface
investigation.Field Insitu test


1. マーシャル安定度試験/Marshall Stability Test

2. アスファルト抽出試験/Method of Test for Extraction of Asphalt Mixtures

3. CBR試験/Method of Test for Calibration Bearong Ratio

4. 一軸試験/Method of Unconfined Compression Test

5. 突固め試験/Method of Compaction Test of Soils

6. 配合設計/Job Mix Design

7. スベリ抵抗試験/Skid Resistance Test

8. たわみ特性試験(ベンゲルマン)
      /Method of Measuring Deflection using Benklemen Beam

9. 現場密度試験/Field Insitu Density Test

10. 平坦性試験(縦断・横断)
      /Method for Measuring Roughness of Pavement surface

11. 平板載荷試験/Plate Loading Test

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